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Patina Shoe Parlor

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Recommendations & Reviews

5 recommendations and reviews from 4 people

  • WhoDoYou Review from June 11, 2014
    I would not recommend using Alexander Bourne or Patina Shoe Parlor for any service. This “business man” is not who or what he claims to be. He is not nice, professional, or reliable. I am baffled at this man’s success within the local community; all things come to the light eventually. My personal headache with this I met the “proprietor” out last summer, he was a nice enough guy, we had a bunch of mutual acquaintances. When he told me what he did, as shoe junkie I was happy to support a young local business as I too have a young local business, and strongly believe in supporting young entrepreneurs and craftsmen. Fast forward to January, when I called to have my shoes picked up, as Patinas had transitioned into a mobile service. Alexander came to my house at 8am to pick up my shoes that needed repair; five pairs (4 heels, one pair of flats). He requested I pay upfront, being that it was early in the morning, we had numerous mutual contacts, and he is a young business with hesitation agreed. Thankfully I wrote a check tragically it was for nearly $250. What I was told I was buying was a six pair sole and heel package, the remaining pair I could call in at any time. A receipt would be emailed to me, and my shoes would be done in 10-14 days. 10 days later I call to inquire about my shoes, they are not ready. Day 14, I get voicemail. Day 20 I get hung up on. This persisted. I sent emails, Facebook messages, texts. I get no response. Eventually I get a weird and vague communication from Alexander’s “assistant”. Nothing is resolved, and then I am blocked from any means of contacting the business and its owner. In March 3 months later I run into Alexander, we have a hostile and rude exchange. He proceeded to call me a peon and other nasty names, denying having my shoes. In April I see this individual at another event, he laughs as I walk away knowing good and well what is up. Literally as I am prepping to sue this questionable character calls, yep I was that upset he calls and claims there was a mix up, he indeed has my shoes and will drop them off later that day. I give him my work address via a text and email. No response. He shows up the next morning, doesn’t say a word and shows me the 4 heels he has repaired. The work is not bad, I have had much better work done elsewhere without the drama. I inquire about my gold flats, give a description and am told he would look for them, No apology, no explanation given, nothing. I get an email asking for the shoes to be described, which I find odd considering that I just did this, and that I would get an apology letter later in the day. In my response I suggest a refund, my other shoes found/returned or replaced, only to be answered with “I never had your flats, and a link to his website. No apology, no receipt. Funny, he doesn’t have my flats like he didn’t have my shoes, like he did not remember who I was in March. The lies, deception and utter disregard for customer service and human decency is too much. I responded professionally requesting a refund, shoes replacement, receipt, and apology. I got zero response. This whole exchange was really frustrating, and unprofessional. At this point I am out a pair of flats, it’s not the end of the world but it is disappointing. It’s unfortunate that someone feels entitled to treat others in this fashion, to deceive, and steal. I am elated that I have my heels back and will chalk this up as a lesson to be careful who I choose to do business with. Research everyone, and do not use Alexander Bourne or Patina Shoe Parlor for any service. You will be disappointed, ripped off and or treated poorly. Just go elsewhere and save yourself the trouble.
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  • Referral from September 20, 2013
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