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Kelsey Sesto Birth Services

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About us

My love of new life came long before I myself became a mother. This love has transformed over the years to include an incredible love and respect for the process of bringing that new life into the world. As a DONA trained doula, who is pursuing certification, I am striving to empower women to love and respect their birth experience, and not fear it. I think that support and education is key in this.

When asked why I chose to become a doula, my answer is simple: I want to give mothers the birth experience that I did not have. I have thought of my birth over and over again, and often wondered why I had such a negative experience. I have an amazing, funny, loving son. What bothered me so much about my birth? The answer is this: I felt as though I had no control. I felt like there were options I was not aware of, and choices I had made were not respected. I want to do everything in my power to give women as much control as possible. When you meet your baby for the first time, I want you to feel like you have climbed a mountain, not like you have been pushed off one.

Above all, I want the families I work with to know I support you, and any of the choices that you make. There is no such thing as a perfect birth, but there is an informed, empowered birth. I will do all I can to bring joy, strength, peace, power, and light to your most amazing, and exhilarating day. I am happy to answer any questions that you may have, or set up a meeting. I would love to help you welcome your new life!

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from May 8, 2017
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  • Doula/birth coachx

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