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WhoDoYou and team up for a great offer to businesses

Tel Aviv, Israel, Nov 28, 2016 - We're thrilled to announce that WhoDoYou and have teamed up to offer all small business a free Digital Health Check, and a £50 voucher to spend on any services.

For every business listing on WhoDoYou, the team at is offering a FREE Digital Health Check PLUS a £50 voucher to spend on services. offers website Health Checks that identify any key issues that could be affecting the ranking or performance of your website across the web (not only on and provide vital information about the optimisation of your website. The team offers a friendly, no obligation consultation to determine any improvements that can be made to help to make your website work harder for you!

"We're delighted to be partnering with WhoDoYou to offer free Digital Health checks to their local business customers," says Alastair Thornton, UK Country Manager of "We are finding more and more local businesses needing help with the complex world of local online marketing, and by working with WhoDoYou we are able to provide a quick and easy solution, plus discounts on key services for those businesses who take up the offer."

WhoDoYou and will start rolling out the service in November 2016, with the free consultations for a select group of WhoDoYou business customers, before a widespread general roll-out in 2017. Don't miss this great opportunity to make your website work harder for you!

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