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Crystal Beauty Lash Lounge & Nail Bar

  • Owen Wilson
  • lashnailbar42@hotmail.com

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 9827 West Tropicana Avenue Suite 130
    Las Vegas, NV 89147 (map)

About us

Lash Lounge offers long lasting eyelash extensions that will make all the Divas in Las Vegas jealous of your new-born beauty. We will make your lashes look natural and more fabulous than ever. Not only do we specialize in eyelash extensions but also facials, manicures, pedicures, permanent make-up and waxing. Located in Southwest Las Vegas off the corner of Tropicana Avenue and Grand Canyon Drive Open 7 days a week. Our staff will enhance your beauty rituals so come on in and we'll take great care of you.

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  • Beauty & Day Spax

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