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Chloe's Animal Ark

Recommendations & Reviews

  • Hawthorn Terrace
    Thornton, England ky1 4dz (map)

About us

Chloe's Animal Ark was set up after I obtained my HND in Animal Care. During my course I met many animals and owners who were nervous about being away from home. So I felt that there was a need for a holiday destination for household pets. Why should your pet go to large impartial accommodation when they could go and stay in a caring home from home environment.

Services provided include:
• Home Boarding for dogs and small animals - for pet owners who would prefer their pets in a home from home environment. Your dog can be a day boarder, while you are at work or an important appointment.
• Pet Sitting in owners home for pets who prefer to stay in their own environment. Not everybody enjoys a break from home! Cats and fish would tell you they want to stay at home if they could talk. Exotic animals often can't take their nice warm homes with them.
• Dog walking - short frequent or long and tiring, it's you and your dog who decide where, when and how often.

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from September 14, 2015
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  • Dog Walkerx
  • Pet Boarding/Pet Sittingx

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