Local Florist in the heart of Highland Park, Los Angeles and have been in business for over 23 years. We carry the freshest flowers in town and have flower specials going on for every occasion. Custom orders are also welcomed, if you want to put something together yourself!
We offer special deliveries to local areas in Los Angeles
Zip codes : 90042, 90041, 90065, 90031, 91031.
Call us for more info & to place your order today! # 1.323.257.5552 Thank you for your business - #HighlandParkFlorist Follow us on instagram @highlandparkflorist
Wondering if anyone can help. Looking for fresh flower head crowns for my cheerleader daughter. Homecoming game is October 17th school colors are red, white snd blue, need 10. Anybody know where I can get them and how much
Jackie C. replied:
I always go to Highland Park Florist...great flowers and great prices https://www.facebook.com/HighlandParkFlorist?fref=ts
Melissa A. replied:
Call Highland Park Florist they'll custom make them for you
Karmine R. replied:
Highland Park Florist made some for my girlfriend's engagement pictures and they were beautiful.
Stacy I. replied:
Highland Park Florist is absolutely amazing. They always go above and beyond. They're my go to place and delivery option is awesome too.
Teri B. replied:
Go Highland park florist. They've been doing them for several years and I think that they are on the panther community discount card