It's getting hot in here... Home A/C not working properly. Recommendations for HVAC companies in London? Any I should absolutely stay away from? Thanks!
Has anyone ever had their duct work cleaned? Buying a house and want to do it shortly after moving in.. Tried calling sears a few times with no return calls :/ any other suggestions?
Leeanne G. replied:
Roy Inch and Sons London does duct cleaning $25 OFF Air Duct Cleaning •Breathe cleaner, healthier air •Remove the contaminants from your ducts •Written 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Expires: Hurry, offer ends soon! Call us today at 226-270-1164 Term and conditions apply. Call for details. ...they also have a $ 25 off coupon on thier website...
Does anyone have a company to recommend for the split heat pump system? I need a company that will do the installation as well as a payment plan option. Thanks!
Janice C. replied:
Good Afternoon Catherine (and ALL), Our LRA CAP team has reviewed the heat pumps and it was our assessment/recommendation that the “best in class”, suitable to the job for our LRA homes is the Mitsubishi Hyper Heat model. I’ll attach a brochure that provides details for your review and consideration. The local Mitsubishi supplier is Baymar Supply and their sales crew Randy Brunet/Jacob Azzopardi w/be glad to provide further information on the performance and latest features and can be reached at 519 974-5800. When we last spoke w/them, a listing of local contractors who have been trained/approved to assess your home and “right size” the equipment include the following local companies, but you may want to ask if this is a complete list for you to choose from – as it was a few years back when we last asked for the list. 1. Fahrhall Mechanical 519-969-8025 2. Forced Air 519-250-6489 3. Absolute Heating & Cooling 519-919-2699 4. Tricon Heating & Cooling 519-739-1581 5. Service Experts Heating & Cooling (formerly Bryant) 519-966-1147 Good luck w/your search AND your energy upgrades and let us know if you’d need anything further and/or if the LRA CAP team can help w/any of your Q’s w/the project. If you don’t mind, once completed “drop us a line” to let us know HOW you made out and if you are satisfied w/the job and the subsequent energy savings. The crew would LOVE to know. Thanks and CHEERS, Janice LRA CAP Committee Member.