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The Dog Tub

Recommendations & Reviews

  • Dobbinetts Ln, Dobbinetts Lane, Hale, Altrincham WA15 7TU, UK
    Hale, England WA15 7TU (map)

About us

The Dog Tub boarding kennels and cattery is small family run business established in 1970.

We have kennels of different sizes to suit all breeds, each with heating, good sized ensuite runs with natural and artificial light. Dogs have access to their runs from 9am onwards but are shut in their bedrooms at night to keep them safe and warm. Dog walks are provided daily and are catered to specific needs, providing the dog does not pose a risk of injury to the staff. For example; frail or old dogs receive light walks, which provide good mental stimulation, enables them to stretch their legs and gives them a break from being in their kennel. Likewise, energetic or playful young dogs receive longer walks to burn off that excess energy! In addition we also have a play pen for high energy dog or those who love to chase a ball. The play pen allows us to safely let a dog off lead and is used in addition to their walk. Owners may wish to pay for extra walks, which they can discuss when booking. Dogs are walked individually (unless they come from the same house) and kept on a lead, this ensures they are safe at all times.

FAQs About Kennels:

Why is my dog in a smaller pen?

Small breeds are housed in smaller pens unless there is space available in larger pens. This is because we get larger breeds, or two large dogs who require a higher doorway into their run and more space. All pens have the same ensuite design. Staff must ensure we meet the housing requirements of every size.

Why did I not receive my dogs bedding and toys back?

To ensure good hygiene standards all bedding is washed regularly and so are toys. Due to the fact that we have a lot of our own toys and bedding, they often get mixed up. Staff will do our very best to return your dogs items, however please be aware that they may not be returned. In addition we often give dogs toys whilst in kennels to provide enrichment: give them something to do, if you receive items you do not recognize it is likely to be our own.

Why is my... show more
dog in a different pen to the one we left him in?

Dogs will be moved if they find the kennel block they are in stressful. We do our best to ensure dogs experience as little stress as possible. We often find that moving a stressed dog into another block makes them much more confident.

Can I visit my dog after dropping it off?

Yes, however we advise against this due to the stress it causes your dog. Once your dog has settled in with us, unless under special circumstances we do not advise you to visit.

Why is my dog malting?

The hot weather can influence how much your dog sheds fur. Likewise stress may also influence an increase in molting. Staff do their best to keep on top of this via brushing, however this is subject to time availability. We advise: if you wish to take your dog home malting as little as possible: you book them in for a bath the day you wish to collect. If you wish to ensure your dog to be groomed daily you can discuss additional charges when booking.

What if my dog does not relieve itself in the run?

In the unlikely event that dogs don't relieve themselves in their run. Staff take them on regular toilet trips to our surrounding grassland. It is also worth noting: If you pick your dog up at 9am he may not have had the opportunity to relieve himself if he only uses his run, as hatches to runs are by law only allowed to be opened at 9am.

Our fees include all food, water, cleaning, dog walking, administering medicine and TLC.
Price List
1 dog per kennel: £12 per day
2 dogs per Kennel: £20 per day
3 dogs per kennel: £25 per day

1 cat per pen: £8 per day
2 cats per pen: £12 per day
3 cats per pen: £15 per day
Prices include the day you drop off and pick up.
We do not mix animals who are not from the same household.

Opening times
Mon-Fri 9am - 12 (Closed for lunch 12-1) Open 1 -5
Sat / Sun / Bank holidays: 9am -12
Please can all customers abide by our opening and closing times.

The Cattery
The new cattery is very light and airy with pens that have windows, ventilation, scratching posts, heating mats, various toys and playthings to keep your cat amused at all times. Cats are allowed to wander (individually) around are cattery once a day whilst we are a cleaning. Staff during this time will give them tlc! Brushing is dependent on time availability, we do our best to try and give everyone a brush. However, if your cat finds it stressful or poses a risk of injury to staff we do not brush them.

FAQs about the cattery

Can I bring my own cats food?


Why is my cat malting?

Cats are provided with a cosey bed which in winter have heat matts under them. The cats love them! However the warm environment can often influence an increase in malting. Likewise the summer months cause increased malting. Stress can also influence this, however the design of our cattery housing and care given aims to reduce environmental stress as much as possible to help your cat enjoy his/her stay. We even leave classical music on at all times as research suggests it has a calming influence on animal behaviour.

Customers are encouraged to come and look around before booking pets in our friendly staff will be pleased to meet you, show you around and discuss the daily routine of your pet whilst in our care.

Dog Bathing

Remember to book you dog in for a bath and groom! We do not clip hair, but provide high standard grooming so you can take your dog home smelling fresh and malting less. Dogs are bathed and groomed thoroughly to remove dead hair and matts. Nail clipping is an optional extra. Prices range from £12.50 - £30.


Sam: Part-time kennel manager
Fully qualified veterinary nurse onsite 24/7.

Britt: Full time kennel maid.
Animal Care qualification.

Holly: Full time kennel maid.
Level 3 Extended Diploma in Animal Management.

Amy: Part-time kennel maid.
Weekend and holiday staff.

Nat: Part-time kennel maid.
Weekend and holiday staff.

Chloe: Part-time kennel maid.
Weekend and holiday staff, currently completing an animal management course.

Lucy: Part-time kennel maid.
Weekend and holiday staff. show more

Hours of operation

Monday1:00PM - 5:00PM
Tuesday1:00PM - 5:00PM
Wednesday1:00PM - 5:00PM
Thursday1:00PM - 5:00PM
Friday1:00PM - 5:00PM
Saturday9:00AM - 12:00PM
Sunday9:00AM - 12:00PM


3 recommendations and reviews from 3 people

  • Referral from October 4, 2015
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