In New Mexico and Colorado for those diagnosed with MS please consider this information that was given to me to pass on to someone who is young and wanting to be proactive with their diagnosis!
Eric Burton, MD is good, avoid Dr. Corey Bond (lacks sensitivity). There is a woman doctor who is very good whose name she did not have. All spellings are my own concoctions.
U. of COLORADO MS CENTER is highly regarded. There is an immunologist there named Dr. Tim Vollmer who is quite good and one neurologist, also good. Worth a trip to Colorado as the specialists can recommend medicines and offer info to a local internist or PCP.
A woman doctor in Colorado Springs named Dr. Fodor has impressed Dr. Camp. This doctor is very knowledgeable about aggressive types of MS and prescribes aggressive medicines…..another benefit, per D. Camp is that this doctor is 2 hrs. closer to Santa Fe.
Phone # is 719-598-9991