Last night, I posted about a grey cat that was on my porch. I had plans to take him to get scanned today, but he was gone when I got home. I was watching TV and heard my doorbell ring. I look out to see no one, but this beautiful cat on my porch. I'm assuming this means he's dumped. He is CLEARLY an indoor cat. Right now I have him in a small powder room with food and water and a litter. I have other cats. I don't know if he has shots or feline leukemia/aides. My question is, does anyone have friends that are vets that could help me out? I need help with the testing and a rabies vaccine. I'll take him in, but I can't have my other animals be at risk. Any advice/help would be appreciated. I don't want to have to drop this baby off at a shelter. The look in his eyes is so innocent.... He doesn't understand what is happening to him....