Milo Construction is a construction firm focusing on pre-construction consulting, design-assist, commercial construction, and historic renovation in the Denver/Boulder area. To learn more about what Milo Construction can do for your business needs and the options available please visit our website.
We need to dig a french drain around our home. Could any of you recommend a landscaper you have been happy with? Thank you in advance,
We used Milo Construction. 303 444 7775. They are general contractors and we hired them to handle the flood-related repairs inside our house and to do mitigation outside. They hand dug a very long drain (sort of a french drain) on the south side of our house (in the utility right of way), lined it and did other mitigation work outside. It all looks good. We won't know how well it works until we have another major water related event. The workers were very careful and because of its location, the work was done by hand and not a machine. Good luck.