Looking for good thrift shops and fleas for vintage clothing. What are the best fleas and thrifts for clothing? I go to the goodwill on the Southside of Columbia mo but I don't know many other good spots to hunt.
MsBluffy replied:
- [Maude Vintage](http://www.maudevintage.com/) - [Upscale Resale](http://www.almm.org/what-we-do/upscale-resale/) - [Absolute Vintage](https://www.facebook.com/Absolute-Vintage-103044119757119/) - [Leo's](https://www.facebook.com/Leos-121548384572361/) - [New Beginnings](http://newbeginningconsignment.com/) - [Plato's Closet](http://www.platosclosetcolumbiamo.com/) - [Itchy's Flea Market](https://www.facebook.com/ItchysFleaMarket/) (not sure how much clothing they have) - [Artichoke Annie's Antique Mall](http://www.artichokeannies.com/artichoke/) (also may not have much in the way of clothing, but probably worth a look.)