Let's talk bread & barbers. Hi there. I just moved to your beautiful city. I've got a list of a few specific/odd questions I'm hoping some of you kind people (seriously, why is everyone so nice?) will be able to help me out with. Here's what I'm looking for:
1) A barber somewhere close to Ballard that doesn't overcharge and doesn't suck.
2) The best bread in Seattle. Where should I go to get a great batard or sourdough? I had a fremont sourdough that I liked ok, but I know there's got to be better out there.
3) Molinari salame. Does anybody know if I can get it here? Is there a good italian deli around?
4) Used electronics/stereo/musical. Craigslist is always good, but does anything come to mind brick and mortar wise?
Thanks in advance for considering my bizarre requests!
rdhatt replied:
[Salumi](http://www.salumicuredmeats.com/) is Seattle's premier Italian meats purveyor. It's been featured in the [New York Times](http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F70915F93E5A0C748DDDAC0894DE404482), [NPR](http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6045047), and Anthony Bourdain's [list of places to eat before you die] ( http://www.menshealth.com/nutrition/must-visit-restaurants). Lucky for me I only work a block away.