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Sewer Repair Sacramento

  • Landon Patten

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 9104 Castlebar way
    Sacramento, CA 95826 (map)

About us

Your home’s sewer lines are an intricate network of pipes that connect all the drains from your sinks, tubs, and toilets to a main discharge line that is connected to the neighborhood main line. These pipes are responsible for removing waste water from your home, but are susceptible to aging, cracking, or leaking. This line can also get
blocked and cause waste water to backup into your home. Over time,these damaged pipes will damage your home. That’s where Sewer Repair
Sacramento comes in. Our trained professionals have the equipment and experience necessary to assist you in your time of need. With a video
camera feed, our technicians can determine the best course of action that suits your best interests. If a camera inspection has confirmed
the majority of your sewer line is in good working order, but has a spot that causes a back up, a simple repair may be the option for you.
This simple fix can easily extend the working life of your sewer trouble free. If the sewer line is beyond repair and requires replacement, our technicians will inform you and will assist you with that as well. Don’t wait until your home is damaged beyond repair! Call us at 916-790-6191 today for your sewer repairs!

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