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  • 3396 Olderidge Dr. NE
    Grand Rapids, OH 43522 (map)

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Clothes - you gotta have them so why not add a little fashion flare to your wardrobe. FabFashionDepot provides you with everything you need from head to toe in order to express your unique personal style. Thousands of items to view and purchase from the comforts of your home. Simple, Easy and Fabulous. Teaching, kayaking, acting, traveling, volunteering, singing and elder care are just a few of the activities I currently participate in. Each activity requires a particular skill set in order to engage in. I have learned that I enjoy variety and the challenge of learning something new. With retirement on the horizon and the thought of time on my hands, the question becomes what will I do. Becoming an Amazon Associate will afford me the opportunity to gain yet, another skill set in the e-commerce industry and technology. So, let the adventure begin!

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