Allen G.
So I called BOB which was referred to me by the
old owner of the house we live in. Bob said $120.00
just to come out and $70.00. We have a broken
wall water heater. So he knew we had a
handicapped girl living with us and needed the Wall
unit fixed asap!! I told him that I needed to talk to
the handicapped girl and get her ready for him to
come out and call him before I start work so he
could come out today June 30th. Had my wife stay
home all day from work and NO BOB!!
Now it the Hoilday weekend and NO hot water!! I
called and texted him as I could in between getting
service on my phone and he doesn't answer or text
nor call back!
I would never ever call this BOB the Plumbler for
nothing! A lair!! Huge let down and calling the BBB
too!! Worthless!!