I am having a time of it trying to see a neurologist. We have care first and the pediatrician referred for a pediatric nwurologist for 2 year old and they of course cant find anyone up here. I lnow when he referred my daughter a few years ago childrens woulsnt take us because they said their developmental ped had to refer and the develoomental ped didnt take care first??? We ended up just giving up trying to find one for her and she has never seen one :-( now with my son, they found some pediatric neurologist down in LA who i looked up and saw several poor reviews and one star rsting :-( i surely do not want to waste my breath driving a couple hours with three kids under the age of six by myself for thst. Anybody know any pediatric neurologists who take care first thst are any good? Or that take any kind of medi cal hmo? I dont mind switching their ped if i have to as well as long as i can find a decent ped.