"One of the greatest moments in life is realizing that two weeks ago your body couldn't do what it just did".
Aron Vuysje is one of the instructors of the Bootcamp Squad. After being born and raised in The Netherlands, he decided to move to Israel to do a Masters degree and to start Bootcamp Squad. At a young age Aron started with karate, combat and boxing. At age of 17 Aron started with Krav Maga. For the past six years Aron worked in in the security industry as a Security and Close Combat Instructor for Security officers. Next to the work in the security industry Aron worked as an instructor for a combat course where youngsters learned how to defend themselves. Aron likes to use creativity in every work out. The most important parts of a training is having fun and getting a good work out. This is what Bootcamp Squad is all about. A great outside training that will open op your mind to the possibilities of training without the need of heavy or/and expensive equipment.