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台中市新愛牙醫診所New Love Dental Office,Taichung,Taiwan

Recommendations & Reviews

  • No. 28號, Shanxi Road, North District, Taichung City, Taiwan 404
    Taichung City, TXG 404 (map)

About us

We can speak English, Cantonese and a little Burmese
(牙周-植牙-假牙) 碩士
前中山醫學大學附設醫院 總醫師、主治醫師

Dr. Henry Wong, D.D.S, M. S. D.
Dr. Henry Wong earned his dental degree from the Chung Shan Medical University in 1991. After completing the dental residency program in Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry at Chung Shan Medical Center , he spent an additional year as a Visiting Staff at the same medical center. He was certified by the Academy of Operative Dentistry (1998) and the Association of Family Dentistry (2001) and started to develop his own dental clinic in 1998. In order to develop a superior level of expertise, Dr. Wong returned to upgrade his educational background in the field of Periodontics-Prosthetics in the Institute of Stomatology at Chung Shan Medical University and received his master degree in 2004. Throughout his career, he has been certified as a perio-prosthodontist by the Academy of Perio-prosthodonticsin. He has become a certified lecturer in institutions of higher education, accreditated by Ministry of Education in Taiwan.
Dr. Wong constantly updating his knowledge and skills by attending continuing dental education.

服務項目:專業牙醫醫療照護 社區預防保健營造
口 腔 檢 查
牙周治療: 1.牙結石清除 2.牙根平整術 3.牙齦下刮除術 4.牙周骨膜翻開術 5.牙冠增長術 6.牙周再生手術 7. 牙齒美白
各 種 假 牙: 1. 高貴金屬牙冠與鑲面冠 2. 金屬瓷冠 3. 全瓷冠與全瓷貼面 4. 根管加強釘 5. 單,雙側活動義齒 6. 精密附連體 7. 全口活動義齒 8. 義齒床修補 9.... show more
洗 牙 ( 牙 結 石 )
填 補 蛀 牙: 1. 齲齒填補(複合樹脂) 2. 鑲嵌充填(瓷面.複合樹脂.金合金) 3. 冠面黏合
智 齒 手 術 拔 除
精 密 牙 冠 牙 橋 製 作
空 間 維 持器
溝 隙 封 填 劑
洗 牙 塗 氟
刷 牙 指 導
齒 列 矯 正
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Hours of operation

Monday14:30 - 21:00
Tuesday14:30 - 21:00
Wednesday14:30 - 21:00
Thursday14:30 - 21:00
Friday14:30 - 21:00
Saturday14:30 - 17:00


Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from May 23, 2014
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