Dog Trainer Does anyone in the Fairfax area know of a good dog trainer they could recommend - maybe one that's also affordable? I'm moving to the Fairfax Corner area in a week or so, and a big concern of mine is my bloodhound. He can be a little loud when he gets excited and is also pretty rambunctious. Money will be tight, so if anyone knows of a good trainer that won't gouge me, I'd really appreciate it.
zeeeebz replied:
Check these guys out. They have an extremely good reputation. Slightly expensive though. http://www.offleashk9
Anyone know of an affordable dog trainer for a husky Sheppard mix? 7weeks old.
Jill L. replied:
OFF-LEASH K9 TRAINING Website: www.offleashk9 Facebook: charlotte Google Reviews: Youtube: training Twitter:@offleashk9 train Book:
Donna ask:
Could someone recommend a good Belgian Rescue or factor home in Florida...actually anywhere. My community voted my dog out and we are fighting them with an attorney to keep him,but need to prepare for the worst.