Resident Question: Could you possibly help me find a good home builder in our area? Looking to build our first home in cove. Thank you for your time.
Jennifer L. replied:
Eagle point homes
Jonathan S. replied:
Roberts custom homes in old river is who I used. I would use him again. I have heard many bad stories about eagle point homes being very dishonest and purposely messing up a house plan to sell it for more once they realized they agreed on a price to low and having the customer back out. Brighton homes have had electrical issues and cheaply built and cut corners. Have seen many issues with them from people I know. Everyone I know that has one wouldn't get another. I have also heard good things about Howard custom homes too. Hopefully this helps. My honest opinion is I would not buy a track home. They are cookie cutter houses and thrown together. I would use a custom builder like Howard or Roberts.