Looking for an honest, reliable pool cleaner who will do the job the right way. Someone who shows up once a week & brushes the side walls, vacuums, tests the water & adds needed chemicals. Just had the whole pool replastered & retiled. A lot of money is spent on Descaler so the sidewall tiles stay free of calcium & it has built up on the tiles again after only 4 mths because our current pool guy doesn't brush the sidewalls, never tests the water (just dumps in chemicals) & his idea of vacuuming is to brush the dirt so it looks vacuumed but once it settles in an hour the whole pool looks like he was never there. Comes & is there 5 to 10 minutes............. So sick of the shoddy workmanship in this town..... Tried talking with him & it does no good. High prices & nothing gets done.........