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Eco Balance

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 17075 rue Claude
    Montreal, QC H9J 1C2 (map)

About us

Family owned & operated in the West Island of Montreal for over 25 years, the Eco Balance team are a crew of professionally trained, highly skilled lawn care technicians, dedicated to providing the highest level of service. With the guided & knowledgeable experience of owner Cory Nadeau, the team continuously delivers and provides resulting in the guaranteed satisfaction of all our customers.

Cory Nadeau, originally worked for the company for 15 years under his mentor Jim Mackenzie, learning everything he could about the industry, and applying it consistently and became very passionate about his work. Proving to be a worthy successor, he took over the company in 2005. Cory has been involved in the fertilization and lawn care industry now for more than 20 years, working side by side with all the other local businesses and competitors, building strong relationships. He has redeveloped his client base by taking on new challenges and making the necessary changes, all while preserving the companies good name & reputation. He is highly revered amongst all his employees, co-workers & his peers for his vast knowledge of the industry, his humble grass roots approach & his keen level of professionalism.

Eco Balance aims to hire only the best people for the job and have managed to build a very specialized team of trained technicians who are hard working, meticulous & personable, and who's goal is quite simply: "to treat all of customers as part of the family" says the 34 year old entrepreneur !

Cory and his wife Jessica, have been successfully operating the business for 8 years now in the west island, and continue to grow and expand the company and its reputable name by satisfying & exceeding their clients needs & expectations season after season, year after year.

Hours of operation

Monday8:00AM - 4:00PM
Tuesday8:00AM - 4:00PM
Wednesday8:00AM - 4:00PM
Thursday8:00AM - 4:00PM
Friday8:00AM - 4:00PM


3 recommendations and reviews from 3 people

  • Referral from May 15, 2017
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  • Referral from April 13, 2017
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  • Referral from July 14, 2015
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