We are looking for an honest, reasonable person/company to do our taxes. We were using an acct. in Orlando, but she retired a few months ago, so looking for someone close or in the Villages. (I just found this site a few weeks ago, it's GREAT
Jane B. replied:
My husband has a Mobile CPA Practice. He comes to your home, meets with you, discusses your tax needs, gives you a firm price, no obligation. He can call you Thursday afternoon-you can email him at BobBloomCPA@aol.com or call him at 425 941 5224 and he will call you back Thursday afternoon. He had a 35 year CPA practice in Seattle, is licensed and now practicing in Florida, but a botique service where he comes to your home.
Tax time will be here soon. Does anyone know of a good tax man that you have used?
Jane B. replied:
Bob Bloom will come to your house and meet with you and bring your tax forms back to you to sign and submit 425 941 5224 35 years experience as a CPA and can also help with Canadian issues.