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Mau jdi reseller...
. Jualan ap adjh area mojokerto...
Fitri M. replied:
Bismillah open order cantik buat reseller😍😍😍 mau kerja enak tp tiap hari dapet duit💰💰💰 yuks jadi reseller cantik green coffee yg lagi booming.kopi diet yg bikin langsing tanpa ribet😉😉😉 Q kasih contoh coffee reseller 100 gr 30.000 terus djual lagi 40.000. misalx laku 10 x 10.000=100.000 itu laba klo sehari klo sebulan hmmm hitung sendiri udah brp ya😘😘😘saatx manfaatin peluang buat nambah penghasilan👌👌👌karena semakin hari kebutuhan semakin meningkat n biaya hidup lbh mahal.manfaat sosmed kamu biar jadi ladang penghasilan😉😉😉 minat wa 085790940424
My account was closed without warning just now. Does anyone know what neanderthal banks are crypto-friendly? /r/Bitcoin
reb0rn21 replied:
I would also like to know the list of bitcoin friendly banks... at least dealing over a exchange... so far I learned most banks would not tell you if they will block bitcoin exchange, and if you ask most will decline Also I think all of them have some limit over which they block all dealings with bitcoin, 10.000$, 100.000$+ or so