Hey Philly! First time visitor, I'll be in town tomorrow! What can't I miss? I'm driving into Philadelphia from NYC for the night. We're planning on hanging around and then leaving late the next day for Baltimore. What are some things we should do? My friend and I are in our mid 20's (boy and a girl) we enjoy good food, good drinks, good art, good people (good times!.) If you can recommend a cheap motel near the city that would be awesome too! thanks
edit: thank you everyone! And don't apologize for the weather. it's just as bad in NYC. cheers :)
SuperLobster replied:
Good food and good drinks? You have to check out [Yakitori Boy](http://www.yakitoriboy-japas.com/) for good sushi, drinks, and karaoke. Looking for cheaper wholesome food for 6.75? Grab a large bowl of Pho at my favorite restaurant in Chinatown called Pho Xe Lua at 907 Race Street.