Since the Q&A page has been taken down, I need to ask this group for recommendations for a massage therapist, physical therapist or chiropractor who has serious expertise in treating lower back issues (mostly muscular). I'm especially interested in finding a good massage therapist who really knows what he or she is doing and can focus on the injury, and not just someone who does a full-body Swedish massage. Preferably, someone who could fit me in soon. :-) I've done a lot of chiropracty and physical therapy over the years with mixed results, and that always involves doctor referrals, evaluations, new x-rays, etc. and takes a long time to get going, but recs would be appreciated. With chiropractors, I have experienced some who have helped me and others who are quacks. Basically--and for the Monty Python fans out there--I am not interested in the ones with machines that go "Bing!" Thanks everyone.