Looking for a rental for late July or August, two people. Prefer one bedroom and bath, but we aren't opposed to a studio. Payment plan would work best for us. Beachfront is a must, preferably on Thomas Drive!
Can someone who owns a condo give me some details around any requirements that go along with owning and renting a property in PCB? TY in advance.
Pcbcondo O. replied:
A couple of years ago I started a website, like a library for this kind of information sharing. The idea was the site could be an owner’s manual of sorts for new and old owners to share their knowledge and experiences. The site is non profi6 t, free to those who want to use and add to the knowledge base. Some condo owners have joined, but not much participation. Joe put the link@the top of the page in the files but I will throw it out there just in case anyone is interested.http://condoownersofnorthwestflorida.com/