Good morning Debary! I am in search of a swimming instructor that is able to work with my high functioning autistic child. She is 5 years old and has started showing interest in taking swim lessons soon. Thanks! :)
Tiffany M. replied:
Becky Puhl does!! She is amazing!
Liz K. replied:
Becky Puhl with swim with Becky she is awesome and works with children with disabilities
Does anyone know of a place locally that offers infant swim lessons? Preferably somewhere that won't completely break the bank lol. With summer fast approaching and having access to multiple pools, I need her in lessons ASAP. Thank you!
Hi! My family is new to the area and we are looking for some recommendations for a couple things. Does anyone have a recommendation for a good vet in the area that is reasonably priced (we have a golden retriever). And then also for swimming lessons for our boys (3 and 7). We want to ensure the swimming lessons are not just fun and are actually teaching them to swim. Thank you so much!!
Kathrine I. replied: She's in Deltona. Vet. Orange city. Volusia County animal hospital. Off 17/92
Isabel P. replied:
Swim with Becky in Deltona for swim lessons!! She's the best!