any one know a shop in the Midlands where you can walk in and buy a leather beveler from, wanted to so some work this bank holiday weekend but mine wondered away any ideas ? also google let me down :(
Doug S. replied:
Tandy Leather FactoryDirections ££ · Craft shop Leather & leather-working supplies from a chain also stocking tools, dyes, patterns, books & kits. Address: Crofton Oak, North Portway Close, Northampton NN3 8RD Phone:01604 647910
does anyone know where to get the little d rings/loops you get on shoes to add to leather work? I seen Tandy do Brass Lace Loops and similar but wanting what are a very small d ring that you would rivet on. I am sure i am just searching for the wrong name but can not find them.
Does this make sense to anyone?
Gary L. replied:
You could try: