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Catembe Packer's Lodge

Recommendations & Reviews

  • Maputo, Maputo City (map)

About us

Catembe Packer's Lodge was a new tourist complex situated at the edge of the waters of Baia Espirito Santo ( Holy Spirit Bay ), Catembe, Maputo, Mozambique.
It offered various service orientated accommodation, tours and activities for the distinguished traveler and adventure seeker.

Unfortunately this establishment exists no more.

Catembe Packer Lodge éra um novo complexo turístico situado à beira da Praia da Catembe, Baia Espirito Santo, Catembe, Maputo, Moçambique.
Ofereciamos vários serviços orientados para hospedagem, passeios e atividades para o ilustre viajante e aventureiro.

Infelizemente este estabelcimento ja nao ixiste.

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from December 4, 2014
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