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Tramp Bar

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 20 King Street
    Melbourne, VIC 3000 (map)

About us

Tramp was created by a pair of trash-bags who like to get loose with friends. We drink hard, exaggerate the truth, lie to girls, and generally get up to all sorts of mischief that your mother wouldn't like.

We're legends in our own minds. (Sad eh)
But we love our club,
And so should you.

So If you're thinking of inviting someone to our club that you wouldn't leave alone in your own home, think again.
Confused as a blind lesbian at a fish market?
Don’t invite guests you feel may be knocked back, simple :)
It's not cool for them, and it's not cool for us.

Also -
Our Guest-lists generally stop at 1am. Arrivals after that will be at the mercy of the Door Staff.
Guest-list does not guarantee entry, it merely points out to us who we may be hanging with.

See you there.
Let's get weird.

Hours of operation

Friday10:00PM - 12:00AM
Saturday10:00PM - 12:00AM
Sunday6:00AM - 3:00PM

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from December 29, 2015
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  • Barx

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