Hi guys, my name is Joana and I have had our chihuahua since she was born, we had her mother and she came to us pregnant, and she is a little over 13 years old. Her name is Girl and on Wednesday afternoon she collapsed, started vomiting and started turning her head to the right and stumbling to the right, we took her to the animal er in Mansfield since she has been there before for an infection that was shutting down her lungs and other bodily functions back in august 2013 and she was back in the er in February of 2014 because of a bull dog boxer mix attacker her and she was in serious condition, regardless she has made it through and we worried it might have been time for her to go so we rushed her there and the dr. Diagnosed her with Vestibular disease. He said it is common in older dogs and she is about that age and I was wondering if anyone knows of a cheap vet that can help with nausea medication. She is drinking water but I have to hand it to her in my hand and she is starting to sit up, and slowly get there but she's still very nauseous and money is a bit of a problem since I am expecting my first baby boy in less than a month and with my contractions I may be having him sooner. I have an 18 month old German Shepard that I just had to update on her vaccines and it wasn't a very cheap vet that I feel a little cheated out of but Girl doesn't have a regular vet mainly because she has never been sick and is an inside dog and she's my moms baby. I just need a cheap vet or tips on anyone that has experienced this as well? It hit us all really hard Wednesday thinking we may have had to have her put down but were grateful she is still a trooper! Thank you for your time and any tips, please no harsh comments, my German Shepard has a regular vet because I got her at 2 months and she had worms so I had to go threw a lot to get her dewormed and then get all her shots and heart worm preventive. Girl is on heart worm preventives as well but no regular vet. We love her with everything she has been our baby girl for over 13 years and we still want her to stick around for however much longer she can.