Can any Manchester inhabitants recommend a good computer doctor/expert? Our elderly PC, laptop and MacBook are all in need of tender loving care but the computer wizard who used to look after them for us has disappeared.
Sheila T. replied:
Ian 07896500456 or 08458684408 - self employed geek who has saved us more than once. Also, Adam, do you know about the woodcraft ceilidh? Nov 30 th , Carlton club for all who have ever been involved. Tickets from us.
Hello! I'm looking for a local computer person who do home visits I was victim of a scam in which remote access was gained to my computer so need it proper cleaning like. Anyone know of anyone???
Ian R. replied:
I run an IT support company, and do home visits, I am also registered with the data protection act etc. www.m21 500 456 if I could be of any help :)