I Have a question.. Does anyone know of a dentist that does that dental work while you sleep.. They need to take upcm for life advantage.. Which is medicare/welfare based... I got several fillings that need to be done on both side of my mouth.. I hAve to be pre medicate before dental visits and the dentist I go to right now.. Well the last was like May.. He's only been doing one or two at a time.. I dont like to need to keep taking the antibiotic so much.. I've asked him to please try and do them all or most of them in one sitting.. But he won't schedule long visits to work on them.. I think because he dont want to numb up both sides at once.. So I was thinking about the ad I saw on tv months ago about the dental while you sleep and they said get it all at one time but I dont hAve TV now So I dont know if anyone around Greensburg does this.. Plus who takes my upmc insurance... So.. Anyone know of a local Greensburg dentist... With Exception of Katsure dental.. That does that dental while you sleep