It started out as name calling, pushing a small shove. Grabbing a bike and riding it around the bike. The bully began using Jace's (11 yrs old) special needs against him at school, and in the neighborhood making fun and calling him names. On Dec 19, 2014 it quickly spiraled out of control. Jace was violently attacked. He was punched, kicked, and hit with a bottle. His older sister and friend saw the end and ran towards the attacker screaming for help. The attack only ended when an elderly woman came running out of her home and rendered aid. The local police arrived, took reports, took pictures of Jace, of the blood soaked, leaves. We did decide to file charges. 1 week later the attacker saw Jace walking outside and told him if he ever saw his face again he would beat him worse than last time. Upon contacting the police department repeatedly they have informed us that they will finish the case later and there will most likely not be any charges filed or punishment for the attacker as he is just a child. This is not right. He brutally attacked my child. Jace couldn't move his hands for days. He couldn't breath through one side of his nose from the damage and swelling. He has a concussion. Headaches, dizziness, nausea, pain. And this is ONLY the physical side effects.
Protect Jace NOW, Protect Society LATER. #projectjace