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Firefly Entertainments

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About us

Picture your event embellished with the finest visual artists and dancers, styled to your specifications. Imagine the power of performance, enchanting your guests with the mystique of the moment. We see your desires for your happening through your eyes; this is the magic of Firefly Entertainments.

Firefly Entertainments are able to provide the ideal level of stimulus to captivate your audience without overpowering the occasion. From the more conventional acrobats, circus tumblers and stilt-walkers through to the more outrageous spectacles of the now such as angle grinding and high flying aerialists, our vastly versatile repertoire never fails to delight. Our range of skills includes glamorous human statues and extends to exquisite Burlesque shows guaranteed to titillate and tease.

Every member of our troupe is practised in their talents to a professional level and is able to adapt to characters and types in order to give your function an overall flavour. Many years of experience have given us the intuitive understanding of how each celebration or ceremony is unique, allowing Firefly Entertainments the foresight to anticipate the necessary elements to produce a show that focuses on a perfect appearance.

We are well suited for festivals, business balls, corporate events, music performances and any type of PR or marketing event that requires a highly polished production to represent the highest of business values. Our bespoke service is quickly becoming one of the most respected in the industry due to our high standards and immaculate attention to detail, enabling us to sing in harmony with the needs, wants and requirements helping you make a moment into a marvel.

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