Our names are John and Katie and we are the Mom and Dad behind Patchwork Peddler. I (Katie) have been a work-at-home-mom for 4 years now and I still love it, with John joining and helping me (tremendously!) 2 years ago. We have 6 awesome children and we love our busy life as we follow Christ Jesus as best we can. I started working from home making Bamboo Prefolds, branching out to nursing pads, bamboo doublers and anything else I had an itch to sew. I now concentrate on G Tube pads and other Special Needs items. I started making these pads when approached by a customer for a custom. She had seen my nursing pads and came to me, describing the alterations she needed done to the nursing pads. It just so happens that my husband had a daughter who was diagnosed with chILD and lived her whole life with a G Tube (and all the issues that come with it) so he knew exactly what she needed! He and I, with the help of my wonderful customer, designed my G Tube pads and fell in love immediately. Of course, being a Tubie parent himself, my husband John instantly fell in love with the idea of these pads. It also became a passion of mine, especially after hearing what a wonderful help these pads are to people with special needs, and hearing what that first sweet little girl thought of my pads. We love what we do and we strive to meet the special needs of children, adolescents, and adults the best we can. To find out more about our G Tube pads, their design and materials used, please visit our website at www.PatchworkPeddler.com
Can anybody recommend someone with a fairly quick turn around time who makes the G- tube pads? I have placed orders with 2 separate people, one in February and one in March and have not received them :(
Feeding A. replied:
(Traci) Some makers have pads already made, others do them custom. We have a pretty good list of makers on our website of makers to check with. From my personal experience -- which isn't exhaustive --@Patchwork Peddler, MyButtonBuddies and Making Lemon Aid -- all turned around orders quickly. They all have facebook pages, so I would contact them to make sure they can fill orders ASAP. My FB links aren't working, so here is the long way -- https://www.facebook.com/PatchworkPeddlerhttps://www.facebook.com/makinglemonaidhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/MyButtonBuddies/152726348478