Why Sadies ? Well I worked for many years as a Homeless Support Worker, but Sadly after losing my Dad, having Breast cancer and many other 'life changing problems' I had to leave the safety and security of a job I loved and for the first time in my life I felt lost and scared and very alone, we decided to adopt a rescue dog called Sadie she was my reason for getting up in a morning while my Husband and kids were at work she needed me and I needed her, she helped me overcome a lot, I ended up with a CPN called Sue who helps me so much, she suggested I take up a hobby so I took up jewellery making and people liked it and wanted to buy what I made, so then I met Carrie she is my Support worker and told me that I could get help to start my own business and she could help me so long and short of it here I am, I still have a lot of things to overcome and many obstacles will I have no doubt be in my way but this is a new beginning for me a light at the end of a tunnel if you like
***** UPDATE
Blank Wooden Cuts TARGET 513 1 needed
From the Cauldron TARGET 1268 3 needed
Sunroom Sewing TARGET 791 1 needed
keep it going you fab crafters x