Attention birth workers and mamas with BREECH experience:
Special mama friend of mine is 40-41 weeks preg with a baby who very recently decided to settle into a frank breech position. She is planning a Homebirth, is very healthy has excellent midwife who's super supportive of her delivering breech if it came to that. Midwife tried external version today and was successful at getting baby to turn half way, but, she is looking to find a supportive OB who has delivered vaginal breech and if things didn't go well she'd be there if cesarean was needed. She will be seeing an acupuncturist tomorrow for moxibustion and or a chiro to try Webster technique! She is hoping that it is successful but if not we need recommendations to super supportive OB's. Cleveland to Buffalo please but between Edinboro, PA and Westfield, NY preferred! And please share! Thanks in advance ❤️❤️