Fundraising help needed! We have three major medical cases and a couple trips to UC Davis neurology lab for testing/evaluation that we need to raise funds for. A dog with an acl injury that needs $1200.00 for surgery repair (reduced rate); One who needs a couple hundred more for heartworm treatment and Patches who is going to need about $1000 in medication/vetting to get her through heartworm treatment. There are also two with hearing issues we need to get tested and one with eye problems. That means we're looking at about $3400.00 for these 6 dogs to be made well so they can go on to their forever homes. Please contact us if you are interested in helping or have suggestions. We are probably going to have to do at least a few things: A quick auction, t shirts, raffle and ? If you are an artist we would welcome your help! If you are a web page developer we could use your help too! And fosters are always needed so if you are are interested please let us know. We may not have a dog that fits right away but having fosters on file for when a possible candidate comes along really helps. Thank you!