Looking for recommendations on an upholsterer... we have an old handed down dining room set that has bench seats with original circa 1960 fabric on the cushions... would love to get them redone and don't want to spend an arm and a leg!... TIA
Stephan S. replied:
Demanche Upholstery right here in town. www.mdemancheupholstery.com
Hello Merrimack! I have an antique chair that I am looking to have reupholster. Looking for recommendations for an experienced person / business. Thank you!
Patti S. replied:
There is an awesome upholsterer on Meetinghouse Rd. that I have used. He has reupholstered a chair and made me a fitted slipcover and pillows that matched. He does all sorts of furniture and he is very reasonably priced. He is a "retired" professional upholsterer that has set up an upholstery shop in his basement. I highly recommend him. The link says Manchester, but he is in Merrimack, Demanche Upholstery 45 Meetinghouse Rd, Merrimack ยท (603) 429-2180http://mdemancheupholstery.com/