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Lash Addiction LLC

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 2184 N. Bogle Ave
    Chandler, AZ 85225 (map)

About us

What are eyelash extensions?
They are the hottest beauty trend designed to lengthen and thicken your eyelashes for a more defines, vibrant and luscious effect. Each individual lash, made of synthetic polymer and mink and molded to mimic the natural lash, is delicately and artistically applied, one at a time, by hand to create a dramatic gaze and to blend seamlessly with your natural lashes.

How long will Eyelash Extensions last?
The lash extensions are applied with a very strong cyanoacrylic adhesive and will last until the natural lash sheds or grows out and falls off. Everyone's experience will differ based on care, activities, and oil production. Touch-ups are recommended every 2-3 weeks to keep them replenished and full looking.

Will Eyelash Extensions cause my lashes to fall out or damage them?
Eyelash extensions, when applied properly by a trained and responsible professional, will not cause your own natural lashes to fall out or cause damage. Your natural lashes do shred sporadically and regrowth will occur. This is a normal process of the lash cycle which differs for everybody. Proper maintenance and care will help keep your natural lashes from becoming damaged.

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