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Endre Selmeczy DMD

  • www.livermoresedation.com

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 489 N L St
    Livermore, CA 94551 (map)

About us

Restoring natural function and aesthetics to your smile, dental implants – available at our Livermore dental practice – are tooth-like replacements which are embedded directly into the jawbone to provide sturdy anchors for beautiful cosmetic restorations.

With implant dentistry patients who are missing one, two or several teeth no longer have to accept a lifetime of embarrassment and inconvenience. Implant-supported crowns, bridges and dentures provide the security and usability of permanently placed teeth. Indeed, dental implants replace missing teeth with ones that look, feel and perform like their own.

If you’re missing one or more teeth and would like to smile, speak and eat again with comfort and confidence, then dental implants can be the answer. Our Livermore area implant dentist, Dr. Endre Selmeczy has been helping reshape smiles for many years. To learn more about implant dentistry, contact us today.

Call today for a FREE in-house consultation or to schedule an appointment convenient for you.

Hours of operation

Monday12:08AM - 5:00PM
Tuesday12:08AM - 5:00PM
Wednesday12:08AM - 5:00PM
Thursday12:08AM - 5:00PM
Friday12:08AM - 5:00PM
Saturday12:08AM - 5:00PM
Sunday12:08AM - 5:00PM


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  • Cosmetic Dentistx

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