Our Difference... clear, transparent and affordable treatments: At Energy Tree Acupuncture, our treatment's are affordable so that our Patients can get acupuncture as frequently as they need to to get well, feel well and be well. At Energy Tree Acupuncture, every Patient starts with an initial 30-minute assessment. During this initial meeting, we will go over Your health history, Your health goals, and any of Your questions and/or concerns. Subsequent treatments will always involve at least a 15-minute assessment (prior to Your acupuncture) to determine how Your last treatment went and how we can continue moving towards Your best treatment outcome.
After Your assessment, You will be lead into our semi-private Treatment Room (which is set up like a greenhouse/gallery). Once in the Treatment Room, You will be asked to relax in one of four identical luxurious lazy-boy recliners, or, (depending on Your needs) to lie down on a massage table. Unlike at other community acupuncture clinics, You will be facing out (under the canopy of our own (energy) ficus tree). Once comfortable in Your chair, You can gaze at paintings by local artists, trees and glass plant terrariums. Or, you can nap. Acunap.