My family and I are relocating to flower mound next month due to my job and I'm looking for a few recommendations. If anyone has any advice or if there is a better community type page to ask this on please let me know.
1. Is there any power lifting type gyms in the area? My online search hasn't really brought anything up outside of life time athletic club and big corporate style gyms.
2. My gf is a stay at home mother so if there is any type of mother's day out programs or groups that her together that would be nice to look into.
3. How is the commute from flower mound to Dallas and to Ft Worth? I'll be on the road a lot for my job and am trying to get a better sense of travel times. We picked flower mound bc it's so centralized to both (or so we hope).
Any other advice on things to check out, places to eat, etc would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone!