I know I have posted before but I can't find my post. Is there any photographers doing Easter pics?? We just moved here and I need some suggestions please!!
I will be on vacation with my husband on Amelia Island April 12-14th. I am looking for a photographer to do a Mini photo session on the beach for our wedding anniversary. Thanks in advance.
Jensen B. replied:
Hi Kelly Kibler Hemrich.... I own https://www.facebook.com/521796471248864 Jensen Bell P https://www.facebook.com/107325992676516 hotography... I know myself or my mother Pam Bell Photography, Inc. would love to capture some beautiful couple photos for you! My website is www.jensenbellphotography.com my mothers is www.pambellphotography.com if you like what you see on either of our websites please use the contact form to reach out to us. These threads can be tricky being that you will get an overwhelming amount of recommendations. I would highly suggest looking at samples of work so you can be confident in your booking. Congratulations on your anniversary!