Looking to add a videographer to the team. Need some performance videos for pre- recorded covers and possibly some live videos. Specifically need someone able to turn videos around extremely fast.
Tony H. replied:
I would love to talk more! https://www.facebook.com/1539362156363115 The Visual Parlor // Visualparlorfilms.com // performance example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVoFfxTI1Ow
All, I'm looking for a photographer/videographer for a July 15th wedding here in town. I'm also looking for a DJ. If you are interested and available that day please shoot me a pm. Thanks.
Tony H. replied:
We do video for weddings https://www.facebook.com/1539362156363115 The Visual Parlor // visualparlorfilms.com -- would l https://www.facebook.com/112482052119794 ove to talk more! Also we can't recommend Sara Bill Photography more!! She's absolutely fabulous for photos.
Are there any videographers in here who would like to come to Hawaii in September to shoot a wedding in exchange for travel being taken care of? Please leave your sites and contact info below!!
Tony H. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/1539362156363115 The Visual Parlor, visualparlorfilms.com -- Would love to talk further!