Any It expert around who can spend 2 hours a week to tutor on Programming? Preferably Java. Can't pay "too much" because I am not rich but am open for negotiate. I have a MacBook Pro lappy, which according to many is not entirely programming friendly?
I am also looking for a professional web designer who is super well versed with Drupal Or Wordpress CMS Or dreamweaver with extensive knowledge on widgets, plugins, gateways etc to give me two hours private tutor, once a fortnight.
I would love a crash course style tutorship designed for 6-12 months. I can be very hardworking with the homework given, as long as you know how to judge my progression professional.
Would appreciate if you have excellent oratory skills too. As in, you must be able to speak in fluent English and not just programming terms.
Inquire within, and help me to spread the words!
(I am based in KL).
If u have to know my background
- Law , degree level
- Music diploma level
- Atom physics, researcher