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Sleep in Heaven Hostel

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Recommendations & Reviews

  • Struenseegade 7, 2200 København N, Denmark
    Copenhagen 2200 (map)

About us

Prefer Brooklyn to Manhattan, Kreuzberg to Mitte or Brixton to Soho? Then Sleep in Heaven in the lively Norrebro area is where you'll want to live in Copenhagen.

Our friendly staff will make sure that the hostel is clean, that the music keeps playing and they'll give you all the hot inside tips on where to go and what to do!

Sleep in Heaven has a central location in the hip and bubbly area 'Nørrebro'. The hostel is surrounded by a beautiful park and some of the best clubs, cafés, shopping streets and restaurants in Copenhagen. The area is very popular among the locals and the lovely atmosphere is one of the best in town! A short walk will take you to the city centre with all its sights and the hostel is also very close to busses and the metro which will take you to locations such as the Royal palace, Christiania, the Carlsberg brewery and much more!

Hours of operation

Monday08:00 - 12:00
Tuesday08:00 - 12:00
Wednesday08:00 - 12:00
Thursday08:00 - 12:00
Friday08:00 - 12:00
Saturday08:00 - 12:00
Sunday08:00 - 12:00


6 recommendations and reviews from 6 people

  • Referral from February 3, 2019
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  • Referral from April 17, 2017
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  • Referral from April 15, 2015
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  • Referral from May 9, 2013
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  • Referral from August 7, 2012
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